Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Тоник для волос Малина 500 мл


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Марка товара: Eyüp Sabri Tuncer


Оригинальный товары Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Тоник для волос Малина 500 мл

Упаковка Количество Стоимость Доставка до Москвы Цена с доставкой за 1 шт
Объем/вес (1шт)0.5 ml210₽
Одна паллете1600336 00042 000₽236₽
Грузовик 40 футов384008 064 000770 000₽230₽

Оптовые продавцы и поставщики

Компания Страна / Город Срок доставки Стоимость Количество на складе
Продавец LDFDИзмир / Турция10-20 дней210₽Мало
Продавец A4TDБурса / Турция10-20 дней231₽Очень мало
Продавец 0W3Измир / Турция10-20 дней292₽Очень мало

Рейтинг и отзывы

  1. I bought it with the recommendation of my hairdresser, it does not smell, it does not have an irritating odor, it has started to help, my hair has softened, my hair looks a little lively, I have been using it for 1 month, about 2 times a week.

    2 0
  2. The packaging was very careful, it made me feel special. I bought it because it softens, shines and prevents frizz. I haven't used it yet, I will edit the effects when I use it.

    3 0
  3. Amann godmm what kind of hair softening is this, I love it, it is very good for my hair with dry ends, I will start stocking it immediately

    3 0
  4. it is an extremely good product, my hair becomes soft and shiny, and it smells great, I definitely recommend it.

    3 0
  5. It took the itchy scalp during the seasonal transition, the softness it gives is wonderful. The smell is also good, it is an abundant product, stocked on sale

    0 0
  6. I stocked the product I always use

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  7. Product to be stocked on sale NET

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  8. It really had an effect even in a single use, made my hair soft, I will buy 2-3 more and stock up, I need to catch it before the price increases.

    3 0
  9. I really like the smell. It also makes an immediate difference in the first two uses. My hair becomes soft when I use it. And it reduced dandruff formation a lot. I am very pleased.

    1 0
  10. There is no vinegar smell, it smells very nice. I have used it once yet, but I had dandruff again, I hope it will work in regular use in my hair, I think it will work according to such exaggeration. My hair became soft and easy to open, if you have very thick hair, it does not have the consistency to open so much.

    0 0
  11. I used it regularly 2 times a week, it eliminated the dandruff in my hair and my hair became soft, I still use it 1 time a week and the smell is very nice. Try it for sure.

    2 0
  12. A nice product does not leave a vinegar smell on the hair, I bought it for 30 TL, I recommend you to buy it on sale, it comes very big anyway and the box was very careful, they sent 2 tiny toothpaste as a gift thank you.

    1 0
  13. buy a product that I can say to buy, especially the smell of raspberries, especially the smell of raspberries, there is never a smell of vinegar, only the price has increased by 20 lira even after I bought it, try to buy it at a discount and stock up while you buy it.

    2 0
  14. There is no vinegar smell, it made my hair soft. 1 bottle is over. You should get it in stock immediately

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  15. makes the hair soft, I don't use conditioner anymore, the smell is good

    1 0
  16. I like it a lot, I don't exaggerate, after the shower, I dry my hair with a towel until it is a little damp, I spread it a little, then I continue until I blow dry it, I do it to my mother, sometimes she gets offended when I don't do it, you talk to your fiancé about my hair.

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  17. fast delivery and the beauty of the product took me away♥️ I met such a product for the first time, it has such a nice smell and a wonderful softness that it leaves on the hair, it makes the hair shiny. buy it and stock up for sure

    2 0
  18. I applied the product by massaging my scalp after washing my hair, it felt a little strange after rinsing, but after my hair dried, my scalp became very soft, I was surprised, my hair smaller than my scalp was electrified because I applied the product.

    1 0
  19. Great product, wish the gifts were more plentiful (except for the disposable toothpaste

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  21. It makes the hair so soft. I can't count how many times I've used it.

    3 0
  22. First of all, thank you very much for your little gift. The cargo was very careful. It came without any leakage. I saw the calming and shine in my hair on the first use. It is a very successful product. But the increase in price is definitely too much

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  23. Yes, it has a creamy effect on the hair and you notice it when you apply it in the shower. You feel like the hair bottoms are refreshed. It gives a slight shine to the hair, you can open your hair with a comb without the need for cream after the shower. But when you apply it to the hair roots

    2 0
  24. I've been using it for how many months, I stock up as I run out, I love it

    1 0
  25. On my first try, I combed my hair without using anything particularly lightening and it gave the promised softness. My hair is extremely frizzy, I can say that it had a satisfactory effect. As for the shine, there is a noticeable shine effect. When using it in the shower

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  26. I used the product once because it has just arrived, I felt that softness when I first applied it in the shower, it remained soft after rinsing and drying, but I am sorry to say that it prevents frizz and frizz, maybe it will be effective in subsequent uses.

    2 0
  27. It makes the hair soft, it should definitely be taken, I don't remember how many bottles I finished, it's a must-have.

    1 0
  28. I like the smell very much...it really left this hair soft and straightening effect... I recommend it for sure...

    1 0
  29. It was very good for my scalp, my dandruff problem went away, it made my hair soft and the smell is very pleasant, I am very satisfied and I use it with pleasure.

    1 0
  30. At the first use, your hair becomes soft, there is no need for conditioner in the shower, after drying, I apply oil to the ends and it stays soft until the next wash, you feel your scalp fresher, but it is not good for shedding.

    3 0
  31. Even the box was great. When you open the box, the smell is a summer scent. The moment it arrived, I tried it immediately to comment. It really made the hair very soft. The smell is already incredible. I bought the product with the recommendation of Lethelya. This product goes :) I bought 3 a

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  32. I am very pleased with the product, the bottle is almost over, it made my hair soft and easy to comb thanks to it, and the smell is very nice.

    1 0
  33. I used the product 2 times, it is very nice for thick and lush hair, it is easy to comb and makes it soft. thank you for the gift .the packaging was also very good

    2 0
  34. I liked it very much . we used it with my daughter (12 years old) . it was very good for both of us. we consumed it, we will order again when it goes on sale.

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  35. I bought it for my boyfriend for eczema in his hair, I hope it will be good. Shipping was smooth, but I was expecting Eyüp Sabri's beautiful box, but it came in a normal box.

    3 0
  36. The smell is really good, it is as good as it is said to be.

    1 0
  37. It made my hair soft, I loved it very much, the smell is great

    2 0
  38. The smell is perfect and makes you want to drink.

    0 0
  39. Beautiful and sturdy packaging The smell is very nice, it is a product that you should stock☺️

    1 0
  40. I love it, they gave me a small gift of toothpaste, thank you very much for it, the box is very sweet, I will put my make-up, but the product is just great, I bought it when it was 57 lira, I wish it was not expensive, the reason why I love the product is that I kept it on my hair by massaging it for two minutes.

    3 0


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